3 Easy Ways to Market Your Business for Free

If you’re a small business with limited resources, it’s important to maximize everything you have available, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. While marketing can be costly, […]

5 Tips to Create a Unique Value Proposition

As an entrepreneur, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is, “Why should customers care about my product or service?” Your unique value proposition is what sets you […]

How to Write a Marketing Plan

Marketing starts with your customers. Find out how to reach your target market and communicate the benefits of your products or services to them through advertising, sales, PR and personal selling.

How To Get Great Testimonials for Your Website

Testimonials can play a huge role in purchasing decisions. But with so many review sites available now, it may seem like the wild west of customer reviews out there. Luckily, there’s a place online where you can actively cultivate quality testimonials from your satisfied customers.

How to Build a Track Record

Think about the last product or service you paid for and how you found the business you bought it from. Did you ask family, friends, or your social media followers […]