How To Get Great Testimonials for Your Website

Thanks to the web, customer reviews and testimonials are playing a larger role in our purchasing decisions than ever before. But, platforms like Yelp and Tripadvisor can seem unregulated and chaotic. Fortunately, there is a place where you can cultivate quality testimonials from satisfied customers – your website. 

Sharing quality testimonials on your website is a great way to demonstrate social proof to potential customers that your product or service is an ideal fit for them. Of course, before getting a great testimonial you’ll first have to deliver top-notch products, services, or customer service. Once you have that covered, follow these simple steps to turn happy customers into cheerleaders for your business.

Step 1 – Don’t Be Shy

In most cases, the only way to turn a customer into an advocate is to ask.

While it may feel strange to directly ask someone to sing your praises, you may be surprised by how willing satisfied customers are to share their positive experiences. If asking directly seems intimidating, you can try asking for testimonials, or permission to share comments at the end of a customer satisfaction survey.

Remember, nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. Once you begin sharing testimonials on your website, you may find other customers eager to volunteer and share theirs as well.

Step 2 – Ask the Right Questions

Don’t leave it open-ended. The key to getting a quality testimonial is by asking your customer the right questions.

A great testimonial will not only help convince other customers why they should buy your product or service, but also address any concerns they may have regarding their purchase.

With that in mind, here are three basic questions to ask:

  1. Why did you buy this product or service and what do you like about it?
  2. What may have prevented you from buying this product/service, and what changed your mind?
  3. Would you recommend this product or service to a friend?

You can certainly add more questions to this list, but make sure you don’t overwhelm people. The longer it takes to write a testimonial, the less customers will be inclined to do it.

Step 3 – Know What to Include

By asking the right questions, you’ll end up with customer testimonials that are specific, believable, and personal. But that’s only half the battle. You’ll then need to get those testimonials up on your website.

Simply displaying a quote from an anonymous customer isn’t likely to win people over. Including the name and a photo of the person who supplied the testimonial is essential to demonstrate social proof to potential customers. 

What may be even more compelling are video testimonials. You could invite satisfied customers to submit short video clips of them reviewing your product or service instead of a traditional written testimonial. Either way, you’ll want to make sure you display testimonials prominently on your website.  If they’re product-specific, consider including them directly on the product page to help undecided customers make a choice.

Always Worth the Ask

A good testimonial can go a long way. They cost virtually nothing and are invaluable in helping grow your customers’ trust and business credibility. If you believe in your product or service and know that you have plenty of happy customers to prove it, don’t be afraid to ask.

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