10 Tips to Convert Your Website Visitors into Customers

Is your website struggling to generate new leads and clients? This is a common challenge among small businesses, but with the right strategies and adjustments, your website will flourish. Here are ten key tactics to help you boost your conversion rates and convert your website visitors into customers.

1. Be Visible

First, you should check your ranking on search engines for all important phrases. Consider advertising on Google through Google Ads. Pay-per-click advertising could be the best solution to your problem.

2. Define Your Web Strategies

What do you think is the most critical function of your website? Promoting your company and products? Providing information? Generating leads? 

Pursuing two or three strategies is great as long as you don’t try to do everything at once. If you’re unclear on what you want customers to do, it will show.

3. Create a Landing Page

Direct website visitors from Google Ads to a particular page, different from your home page. The landing page is like a sales letter. Its purpose is to close the sale and convert your website visitors into customers.

4. Increase Your Website’s “Stickiness”

It’s critical to ensure your customers don’t leave your website too quickly. Reassure them that they’ve come to the right place and that you have the solution to their problems. 

It helps to focus on your product or service’s benefits in the copy and use catchy headings. Check out our article, How To Build a Successful Online Business, for more tips.

5. Include a Call to Action

Make sure to present your visitors with a call to action. It could direct them to call, email, or make an online order.

6. Make a Guarantee

Describe your return policy and privacy policy in detail. This provides your customers with a feeling of security and will help you avoid potential issues down the road.

7. Provide Testimonials or Credible Endorsements

Don’t underestimate the power of testimonials. Use comments from satisfied customers; they add a level of credibility and value to your business. 

Be sure to ask for feedback and testimonials and post them on a specific page on your site.

8. Make It Easy To Contact You

Some people may prefer to call, while others like email. But, many will just fill out a contact form and hit ‘Submit.’ 

Make sure the form is straightforward, and ask only for what you need. It may be just their first name, company name, phone number, and email address. If possible, put a contact form or button on each page of your website.

9. Incentivize Customer Contact

Providing an incentive like a discount or a coupon will encourage customers to contact you immediately.

10. Test, Test, Test

You can only get an accurate picture of your website’s performance if you consistently monitor it. Be sure to test different landing pages and observe what is and isn’t working. 

Use a Sales Conversion Calculator to help you find which landing pages perform best. 

In Summary

Ultimately, the key is setting goals and measuring your progress. Think in terms of small steps, and be realistic. Look at online marketing as an ongoing project with priorities that may change over time.

The first desired outcome may just be an inquiry through a contact form rather than an order. Decide how many visits, leads, and new customers you wave each month. There are great tools to help plan and track your progress, including ClickZ’s Website Optimization and ROI Calculator and their Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) Calculator.

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