Brand Marketing Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Brand Marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic represents the biggest challenge many marketers have faced in their professional lives. Since March, consumer habits have profoundly changed, with customers staying home, hunkering […]

2020 Business Trends to Watch

2020 is here, ushering in a decade brimming with potential for small business owners. Whether your focus is local, provincial or national, we live in a changing (and challenging) landscape […]

Meet Our New Seminar Speaker Warren Thompson

Small Business BC is delighted to welcome Warren Thompson to our roster of industry expert seminar speakers. A native of Coquitlam, BC, Warren spent a decade as Director of Marketing […]

Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

We’re living in a golden age of marketing. Gone are the days of throwing valuable advertising dollars at the wall and hoping something will stick. Instead, the rise of data […]

Benefits of Having a Blog on Your Website

Looking for ways to market your business in a cost-effective way? A regularly updated blog on your site is considering the gold standard for increasing your visibility and generating more […]

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Small Business Owners

January. Traditionally a month for self-improvement, it also provides a fantastic opportunity to start afresh with your small business and bring about positive change. Alongside your efforts to eat healthier […]