Don’t-Miss Copywriting Tips to Increase Conversions

I used to be a know-it-all. Armed with my degree and great grammar, I was convinced that I could write copy for small businesses that would drive traffic, bring about […]

Grow Your Email Marketing List

You can be forgiven for thinking that email marketing is old news, since the arrival and growth of social media for business. Open any business site and you will see […]

3 Powerful Ways to Grow Your Business with Content Marketing

Content marketing is gaining traction as more small business owners see proof that it works. According to a survey conducted by Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 90% of B2C and 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing.

Heartbleed Bug: Updating Your Security

The Heartbleed bug, was detected last week by Internet security experts in Finland and researchers at Google, however was only revealed to the online security community on Monday. Its target is the encryption technology, Open SSL, that is supposed to protect your online accounts for e-mails, instant messaging and a wide range of e-commerce.

4 Creative Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

You know that content marketing is an important way to promote your business, but you’ve been staring at a blank screen for an hour now with nothing to show for it… you have yourself a bad case of writer’s block.

How to Hire Content Writers for your Website

The answer to increasing the amount of traffic a website receives is simple: Create high quality, well written content and update your web site every single day. Sounds simple? It is, but creating compelling website copy can be difficult.