How To Identify Your Target Market

You’ve developed a killer product or service, but there’s still work to be done before you can take it to market. Successfully pitching to the right audience is the most efficient way to maximize your marketing’s return on investment. So how do you identify who to pitch to?

The 80/20 Rule to Increasing Sales

The 80/20 rule is a simple way of looking at your sales and profit figures to identify the largest sources of contribution. By adopting the principle you’re going to feel like you’re ignoring something, but that’s because you are. It might be irritating at first, but once you start to really analyze your business, you will see not all customers are created equal.

Marketing and Sales Strategies for 2015

The holidays are over. January is here and with that comes tightened belts and promises to be more accountable for your money. So how do you keep the momentum of holiday sales and what will be the trends and ideas that will shape sales strategies in 2015?

5 Steps to Getting More Clients

This is the woe of every new entrepreneur or small business, “How do I get more clients?” When I first started out in business this was really all that was on my mind. I knew that I was doing something incredible, I just needed people to share it with!