5 Post-COVID Changes That Are Here to Stay

Never before have workplaces undergone so many fundamental changes in such a short time and globally. While things have changed since the pandemic, some of these developments are here to stay. Learn more about five post-COVID changes that have become the “new normal” since the pandemic.

1. More Remote Workers

The pandemic forced nearly every business to shift to remote work almost overnight. Meetings switched from in-person to Zoom and everyone had to navigate new ways of communicating and collaborating. There’s no doubt that attitudes to working from home have changed as a result of this mass remote-working experience.

Despite Canadians having mixed feelings about working remotely during COVID-19, many have discovered that they can be productive and happy working from home and that it’s still possible to maintain a positive, engaged work culture. Cost savings for businesses and work-life balance improvements for employees have made remote work an option for many more people post-COVID.

2. Increased Flexibility in the Workplace

Many businesses had to look at creative solutions to meet physical distancing and other health and safety requirements. In addition to remote work, these included flexible or staggered work hours and part-time options. Governments around the world even brought up the idea of a four-day workweek, as well as new sick pay programs.

In the past, this kind of flexibility might have been considered more of an employee benefit. COVID-19 made these work practices essential, and some have even become permanent for businesses that don’t see any big downsides. Potential new hires since the pandemic may even expect more flexibility in terms of where and when they work.

3. Greater Reliance on Technology

Many businesses automated aspects of their business during the pandemic. Automated customer service, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots, showed value as companies had to handle an increased volume of inquiries. These chatbots quickly handle routine questions so human operators can focus on more serious problems.

Another technology that has risen in popularity is contactless pay. Even as COVID-19 has been brought under control, consumers still want “no-touch” payment options using their smartphones and smartwatches.

Many businesses also turned to online collaboration, project management, communication, and other platforms that are permanently integrated into their operations. Video conferencing, for example, has become more widely used in place of, or alongside, in-person meetings, allowing for increased flexibility.

4. Putting Digital First

During the pandemic, Canadian eCommerce sales soared. As a result, many small businesses had to move fast to provide customers with online ordering and delivery options. Now that customers have experienced the convenience of online ordering groceries, takeout, and items they previously had to go out for, they appreciate the option.

Many consumers have also gained an increased awareness and appreciation of how important small businesses are to our communities. While COVID is less of a threat now, it makes sense to make your business as easy as possible to find and purchase from online.

5. A New Mindset

We’ve all learned things about ourselves and others from our experiences during the pandemic. 

Business owners we connected with spoke about how the crisis reinforced their need to be resilient and adaptable. And, everyone now understands the importance of having emergency funds for unexpected business interruptions. Many employees also had their eyes opened to a world of remote and flexible working, with more time spent with family and less time at work. 

As for your customers, long-term buying habits may have permanently changed. Some people are more conscious of the need to save money and look for deals and payment plans, as well as expecting a higher level of customer service and more shopping options.

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