5 Business Start-up Mistakes to Avoid

Before you read our business start-up mistakes to avoid, make sure to download Small Business BC’s Starting Your Business Checklist. Download Now When entrepreneurs come up with an […]

Is a Partnership Right for Your Small Business?

Going into business with a friend, family member or acquaintance can be a tempting proposition, but is it the right choice for your business idea and your relationship? When two […]

4 Common Start-Up Assumptions You Don’t Want To Make

When starting a business, you’ll be expected to make a number of assumptions, each with their own level of risk. For example, you’ll need to make an assumption about how much revenue you expect to generate. From this number you will be able to make decisions about how much inventory to purchase etc. The key to managing this risk is to make educated assumptions, rooted in research versus gut feelings.

Four Ways To Find A Small Business Mentor

Everything changed for me when I accidentally stumbled upon my first mentor, my fabulous manager at an online magazine. That’s when it clicked. I realized mentorship can happen organically and it’s easily attainable if you know where to look and what you are looking for.

Top 5 Tips to Manage Your HR When Exiting

Employees of your business have certain rights when a business is bought, sold, or dissolved. Here are some tips to help guide you through the process.