Should You Allow Pets in the Workplace?

Studies have shown that allowing pets in the workplace can have surprising positive impacts on the mental health and productivity of staff. The good news is, bringing pets to work is an increasingly common sight across British Columbia.

South of the border, companies such as Amazon are pioneering the trend, with up to 1,000 pampered pooches coming to work each day alongside their owners. Curious if your business should get on board? Here are some key things to consider before making the switch.

Creating a “Pets in the Workplace” Policy

First, it’s vital to create a robust “pets in the workplace” policy so your staff is aware of the boundaries that apply. While we love all dogs equally, some can be messy and distracting. Your policy should outline the behavior expected of a dog in the workplace. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you draft your policy for pets:

  • Allergies – Estimates suggest that up to a third of the population suffers from some sort of pet allergy. It’s recommended that you establish if any members of your team are affected by pet allergies before welcoming any dogs into the workplace. After implementing a pet-friendly policy, ensure any new members of staff are asked about potential allergies. The comfort and health of your staff remain the number one priority.
  • Fear – The fear of dogs is one of the most common phobias in the world. If the presence of a dog in the workplace is potentially debilitating for a member of your team, pets shouldn’t be allowed.
  • Disobedience – Not all dogs are trained equally. Poorly trained dogs in the office present several potential safety issues. If a dog has proven to be a disruption, the policy should clarify that it’s no longer welcome.
  • Cleaning responsibilities – Accidents happen. Before any messes occur, establish who is responsible for cleaning them, or for paying the costs associated with cleaning. Consider an updated cleaning schedule for your workplace if pets are allowed.

With these rules in place, a dog-friendly workplace grants plenty of amazing benefits for employees.

The Benefits of Pets in the Workplace

Here are three major benefits of allowing pets in the workplace:

1. Increases Happiness

Innovative companies have long recognized the importance of keeping staff happy. Allowing pets in the workplace can instantly boost morale, with minimal effort. Your staff will revel in the increased companionship provided by their dogs, and feel less guilt as their pet won’t be home alone during the day. 

2. Fosters Collaboration

In a study carried out by Central Michigan University, the presence of pets in the workplace is proven to have a positive impact on communication and cooperation between staff members. Dogs provide an amazing way to break the ice and give members of your team something to bond over. This can have long-lasting effects on collaboration and smooth communication between teams.

3. Attracts Talented People

People are often more inclined to join a company because of the perks it offers. Whether it’s the ability to work remotely, a more relaxed dress code, or flexible hours, they’re motivated by the job’s perks as much as the compensation they’ll receive. A pet-friendly workplace policy is an attractive bonus that will leave your business more likely to attract top talent.

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