5 Reasons Why Hiring Seasonal Employees Suit Small Businesses

When the summer comes around, students across the province look for seasonal employment. These students can create several unique opportunities for you as a business owner, which you can and should take advantage of. Here are five reasons why hiring seasonal employees could be the perfect solution for your business this summer:

1. Temporary Help, Long-Term Opportunity

While seasonal employees are helpful during busy times of the year, you could always consider offering them a position the following year, or year-round if they’re a good fit. This is a win-win for you and your employees because it opens up an opportunity for both your team and seasonal workers to grow.

For tips on keeping your temporary employees around, read our article, How to Retain Skilled Seasonal Workers.

2. Youthful Exuberance

While experience is always helpful, there’s something to be said about the power of youth. Hiring a student during the summer means that you’re likely to get someone ready to work hard and learn a lot. If you have limited overhead and a small staff, hiring a seasonal employee for a few months might be exactly what you need to get through the busy season.

3. Fill the Gap

Seasonal employees are also great for filling temporary staff shortages. If you have a long-term employee going on parental leave or taking extended time off, it doesn’t make sense to hire a long-term replacement. As a small business owner on a budget, going the seasonal route can be a financially sound option.

With a three- or four-month commitment, you gain a highly flexible and reactive employee. At the end of their position, it’s up to you if you want to extend it. Either way, you solved your temporary staffing problem, and your employee gained valuable work experience.

4. Sourcing Talent

Even if you’re looking for someone to fill a seasonal position, you should still look for the best person for the job. If your business is expanding and you know you’ll have to hire a long-term employee eventually, why not source your talent by hiring seasonal employees? Having someone work for you for a few months is a great way to gauge if they’re a good fit for your business.

5. Diversify Your Team

Hiring for a temporary position also allows you to think more creatively about your business. Recruiting someone for seasonal work allows you the freedom and flexibility to find someone who may be a bit different from what you’d normally look for.

Instead of hiring an industry veteran, consider giving a student a chance. Their presence might provide you and your team with a different perspective, which may be exactly what your small business needs.

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