10 Tips for What a Lender Looks for in a Business Plan

Once you spot an opportunity that you simply can’t pass up, there are calculated steps to turn your vision into reality, and finding financing is usually at the top of the list.

Canada Small Business Financing Program

The Canada Small Business Financing Program has been working to increase the availability of loans for small businesses for 50 years. Need financial help starting a business or want to make some business improvements? Find out how this program could help.

Will Your Business Qualify for Innovation Funding?

You don’t have to invent the next iPad to qualify for innovation funding! At Small Business BC, we often get queries regardiing support for developing business innovation. In BC there are a number of offices that can help with this.

No Free Lunch, Or Start-Up Grants

Beware of companies selling you information promising you government grants in BC.

How to Exit Your Business: The Financial Implications

Whether youre selling your business, transferring it on to family or friends, or closing your business for good, consider these financial implications.

How to Expand Your Business With New Capital

Growing. your business often means finding new sources of capital.. Make sure you’re ready to seek funding, and know how to find lenders or investors.