Celebrating Pride 2024 – A Message from SBBC CEO, Tom Conway

Happy Pride, everyone!

After coming out in my late twenties, I have personally experienced Pride for more than 30 years now. With each passing year, I have seen communities around the globe celebrate 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals at different times across the summer months. The idea that Pride is a singular event only to be celebrated once a year continues to fade. Pride in ourselves, each and every one of us, no matter our identity, should be a part of our everyday lives!

At Small Business BC, the celebration of Pride for queer entrepreneurs is a combination of profound individual journeys of self-acceptance, resilience, and innovation. My queer entrepreneur colleagues and I each bring a unique perspective that has been shaped by a lifetime of experiences navigating diverse identities that intersect with our personal and professional circles. For those of us who have felt comfortable and ready to come out, our pride is a growing commitment to authenticity and inclusivity that creates a safe space for all voices to be heard and valued.

For queer entrepreneurs, Pride reveals itself in our creativity and determination. Our pride empowers us to continue to challenge norms, break barriers and innovate solutions that resonate with a diverse marketplace.

Our journey is not only about our successes in business, but also our personal achievements in creating a path for the next generation of queer entrepreneurs. It is our responsibility to leverage our personal and professional platforms to advocate for equality, whether by individual mentorship, community activism, or legislative and regulatory impact.

This year for Pride, SBBC will host a Pride event Celebrating 2SLGBTQI+ Business Owners and showcase the unique ways in which 2SLGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs can position themselves and their products and services on the global stage. We hope to help foster a business environment where diversity isn’t just celebrated but integrated into every aspect of our economy.

A graphic displaying event details for a pride meet up.

At SBBC, we see queer pride exhibited by our entrepreneurs as a beacon of hope and progress – not unlike the ever-growing calendar of pride events throughout the summer. Thank you for letting the world see the complete you because there are still folks out there who need to see you and gain the courage to know that they, too, can take that next step in their personal and entrepreneurial journey!

– Tom Conway, CEO, Small Business BC

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