5 Ways to Strengthen Your Business Through Recognition & Appreciation

As business owners, we are always looking for ways to strengthen our businesses so that we can be more resilient and successful. We often turn to traditional marketing and advertising to achieve this, but have you ever considered strengthening your business through recognition and appreciation?

Many businesses overlook the power of recognition and appreciation, often thinking of them as too “soft” to be effective. However, in my 20 years of leading Eclipse Awards, we’ve worked with thousands of companies that consistently use recognition and appreciation to strengthen and grow their businesses.

Incorporating recognition and appreciation into your business strategy is uplifting, fun and effective! Here are five ways that you can strengthen your business through recognition and appreciation.

Employee Recognition

Recognizing and appreciating your staff is one of the best investments that you can make towards your success. Your people are your most important asset and resource. Do you want them to feel engaged and inspired or unappreciated and disengaged? Recognition can range from a simple and sincere “thank you” to a personalized recognition award, and everything in between. Many companies recognize performance benchmarks, but even more effective is to recognize and celebrate personal traits like loyalty or positivity that you respect and value. When you build a culture of recognition and appreciation, you’ll be amazed by what follows!

Supplier Recognition

Recognizing your key suppliers can help strengthen those key relationships. Your suppliers are more likely to go the extra mile for you if they know their efforts are appreciated. Supplier recognition can be anything from a handwritten “thank you” card to a personalized plaque that expresses your appreciation. Sometimes, a well-made plaque that celebrates your relationship can cement your bond in a way that few other things can.

Client Recognition

Some companies take the time to recognize their clients as well. Sure, they may already be your clients, but they will likely be more loyal if they feel their business is appreciated. Some companies recognize their best clients with “thank you” plaques that express gratitude and appreciation for their business and loyalty. Usually, recipients will proudly display these plaques in highly visible areas, giving your company more positive exposure as a thoughtful organization.

3rd Party Certifications & Recognition

3rd party certifications are on the rise as consumers are becoming more educated and aware. In a world awash with data and marketing messages, 3rd party certifications such as B-Corp or ClimateSmart can instantly provide the recognition to verify that your company is exceptional or outstanding, while also highlighting your company’s values. If you are looking to differentiate your business, 3rd party certifications can provide you with powerful recognition to stand out from the crowds.

Business Recognition Award Programs

If you’ve had some business achievements or milestones you’re proud of, there are likely some business awards programs that can help you share your story. There are even awards program databases that can help you with this! It’s great if others nominate you for recognition, but it’s also fine to self-nominate sometimes. And remember, a nomination is itself a form of recognition, so simply going through the recognition process can provide you with some great experience and exposure. Winning a business award like the Small Business BC Awards can boost your company and raise your profile in a way that few other things can. Public recognition like this can expose you to new clients, differentiate you from competitors, and help you see yourself and company in a positive new light.

Running a business can be challenging at times, especially when we lose sight of the human element.  Approach recognition and appreciation with thoughtfulness and intention, just as you would any other aspect of your business, and you will find it adds pleasure to your work as it strengthens your company.