The 9 Key Players of Succession Planning

For a plan to be successful, the right players need to be involved. With succession planning, this includes a variety of stakeholders from inside and outside the business. Each will […]

How To Estimate Start-Up Costs for Your New Company

So you want to start a new restaurant/accounting practice/gnome-themed birthday party company (insert your type of business)? If this is your first company, you’re probably wondering how to estimate your start-up costs.

How to Run Your Business While Working a Job

Running a side business while working a full-time job is relatively common. But managing this process can be difficult and requires a delicate balance. You must be fair to your employer and give them 100 percent of your dedication. At the same time, you need to work hard at your own business to make sure it succeeds.

5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Business Plan Review

As an entrepreneur, you understand the value of a well-crafted business plan. It’s the essential roadmap for launching your business and something you’ll use to impress banks and investors. Writing […]

Guide to Buying an Existing Business

Just because you want to own a business doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. More and more entrepreneurs are skipping the start-up phase and buying existing businesses. When you […]

The 10-Step Guide to Starting a Business

British Columbia is home to over 500,000 small businesses, making up a remarkable 98 percent of all enterprises in our province. They employ over one million people, accounting for 54 […]

9 Tips for Starting a Food Truck

From souvlaki to dim sum, BC’s streets are filled with vendors waiting to expand your palette. And launching a restaurant on four wheels, can be a more affordable and more viable path for many entrepreneurs.

Six 2021 Small Business Trends

With a new year on the horizon, there’s plenty of reasons to be optimistic for small businesses across BC. Prepare for the coming year with our Six 2021 Small Business […]

How Our Business Plan Services Helped Takasa

At Small Business BC, we regularly meet with clients who are preparing their first business plan. This important document acts as a road map for the start-up business, covering areas […]