BC Flood Resources For Small Businesses

In this article, we have organized resources available to business owners to help in the event of flooding.

Please note: Please note, as internet coverage may be inaccessible during this time, we have tried to provide phone numbers where applicable for more information. Information is time sensitive and subject to change.


Q1.  What websites can I check for up-to-date news on BC flooding?

Q2.  What organizations are offering help to businesses directly affected by the floods?

Q3.  How will my insurance cover any damage caused by the floods?

Q4.  I’ve submitted my insurance claim and I don’t agree with their findings. What are the next steps?

Q5.  Though not directly impacted by the floods, my business has experienced a substantial loss of profits. How can my business survive this situation?

Q6.  What resources are available to help with the impact of the B.C. Floods on mental wellbeing?

Q7.  Are any tax relief measures available to businesses or individuals affected by the B.C. Floods?

Q1. Where can I find up-to-date news on the flooding?

Find up-to-date news and updates at the following links:

Q2. What organizations are offering help for businesses impacted by flooding?

BC Government

For up-to-date emergency information about the flooding, please visit the Emergency Info BC website.

Indigenous Communities and local government emergency management resources are also available.

For general information to help businesses prepare or recover from a disaster, please visit Prepared BC.


Small Business BC

At SBBC we support entrepreneurs and small business owners through expert business advisors, educational services, and easy-to-use resources. To speak with an advisor, please call us at 1-800-667-2272 or email [email protected].


Community Futures

Find business coaching and resources for rural businesses at Community Futures.


Red Cross

Many resources are available through the Red Cross Support Center or their phone line at 1-800-863-6582.

Helpful Links:


B.C. Economic Development Association

BCEDA has a number of resources available to including the Local Economic Recovery & Restart Toolkit.



Contact your insurance provider to discover if your business has coverage for “acts of nature” disaster events such as floods. The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) can also provide answers to your insurance questions and can be contacted at 1-844-227-5422.

Employment Insurance (EI)

File an application to collect EI benefits. Self-employed individuals who pay into EI and their employees can apply due to a shortage of work or loss of a job.

The Employment Insurance Work Sharing Program offers income support to workers who are willing to work a temporary reduced work week when there is a reduction in business activity beyond the control of the employer (including major disasters). More information available at 1-866-981-5319.



Learn about Bill relief potentially available for commercial and residential BC Hydro customers affected by an evacuation order.



Contact your financial institution to see if they’re offering help to businesses affected by flooding events. Below are the phone numbers for some of Canada’s largest financial institutions:



Agricultural producers can access information on the AgriStability program that protects against declines in net farming income due to production loss, increased costs of production or market conditions. Information for emergency livestock relocation support is also available.

Q3. How does the flood affect my insurance?

Your insurance provider is available to confirm if your business has coverage for “acts of nature” disaster events such as floods. When it’s safe to do so, perform the following steps:

  • Assess the damage and take photos/videos of affected rooms, goods, and machinery
  • List all damaged or destroyed items
  • If possible, assemble proofs of purchase, photos, receipts, and warranties
  • Keep all receipts pertaining to cleanup and living expenses
  • Call your insurance representative and/or company and don`t forget to ask what living expenses you’re entitled to be reimbursed for

Contact the Insurance Bureau of Canada at 1-844-227-5422 to get answers to your insurance questions.

Q4. What can I do if I don’t agree with my insurance company’s findings?

Once you have reported a loss, a Claims Adjuster from your insurance company will be assigned. The Claims Adjuster will investigate the circumstances of the loss, examine the documents you provide and explain the next steps. Your insurance company will ask you to complete a “proof of loss” form, listing what property and/or items have been damaged or destroyed. Should you disagree with the insurance company’s findings, there are several avenues of appeal.

Q5. How can I deal with a loss of profits due to the flooding?

Even if the floods don’t directly prevent you from doing business, they can have a dramatic effect on your volume of business. The Government of Canada’s Small Business Financing Program and Employment Insurance Work Sharing Program offer short-term solutions to cash flow and staving off potential lay-offs. Financial Institutions are another potential avenue to explore for financing (contact numbers for B.C.’s largest institutions are listed earlier in this article).

Q6. What mental health resources are available to me?

Mental Health Resources

The damage from natural disasters isn’t all physical and in can take a tremendous toll on the mental health of those involved. Learn about the mental health options available to you, or contact the organizations listed below.

  • Anywhere in BC 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
  • Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
  • Kids Help Phone Line: 1-800-668-6868
  • Vancouver Coastal Regional Distress Line: 604-872-3311
  • Sunshine Coast/Sea to Sky: 1-866-661-3311
  • Seniors Distress Line: 604-872-1234
  • Online Chat Service for Youth: YouthInBC.com (Noon to 1 am)
  • Online Chat Service for Adults: CrisisCentreChat.ca (Noon to 1 am)
  • ​Aboriginal Crisis Line: 1-800-588-8717

Q7. Are any tax relief measures available to businesses or individuals affected by the B.C. Floods?

In extraordinary circumstances, Canada Revenue Agency may waive penalties or interest on outstanding tax payments.

Canada Revenue Agency also offers to expedite taxpayer relief requests. If books or records have been destroyed, call the CRA to inform them of the issue at 1-800-959-5525.