Barry Hartman’s 10 Tips for Starting a Franchise

From humble beginnings in his parent’s basement in 2011, Barry Hartman’s 505-Junk has become one of Vancouver’s great business success stories of recent years.

Why Franchise Your Business for Growth?

Thinking of franchising your business? You can make the process as painless as possible by taking care of the following fundamentals.

What to Look Out For When Doing Your Own Bookkeeping

Many small businesses do their own bookkeeping. And why not? Initially, when your business is small, the bookkeeping is quite simple. But what are the things you should look out […]

How to Raise your Prices without Losing Clients

Raising your prices can be a difficult decision to make. You are probably worrying about the effects  it will have on your business and the relationship you have with your […]

11 Habits of Confident People

One of the key attributes of successful leaders is confidence. After all, if you do not have confidence in yourself and your business, how can you expect your clients, your […]

9 Secrets to Great Decision Making

While it’s good to be in tune with your gut instinct, you cannot rely entirely on your gut alone. You need to develop a sound process for making those tough decisions. So, what are the secrets to great decision making?

The Power of a Business Card

In this digital age, people might tell you that business cards are unnecessary. That online platforms have rendered them obsolete and dated. In reality, however, attempts to reinvent business cards […]

How to Use Analytics to Understand Your Online Audience

Thanks to tools like Google Analytics, it’s easy to pull the statistics on who is visiting your website (i.e., their age, location, gender, etc.) and create a general profile of your audience.