Workplace Accessibility: List of Organizations Available to Help

You aren’t alone on your workplace accessibility journey. There’s a vibrant ecosystem of dedicated organizations ready to help you make a difference.

Delivering everything from practical guidance to essential resources, these organizations are the driving force behind positive change, helping individuals thrive in their professional environment while empowering employers to create spaces that are accessible to all.

Below, we’ve gathered some of the organizations with the knowledge and support you need to make a difference.

List of Workplace Accessibility Organizations 

Untapped Accessibility

Untapped Accessibility exists to help organizations deliver accessibility that goes beyond compliance to create truly inclusive organizations for all. Some of their specialties include the development of accessibility plans, the creation of accessibility committees, and training geared toward creating a culture of accessibility.

Accessible Employers

Formed in 2013, Accessible Employers, a Presidents Group initiative, is a network of 25 change-driven BC business leaders who are champions for more accessible, inclusive workplaces. Their website offers a library of accessible resources, online courses, and a community network for employers who are committed to inclusion in the workplace. Accessible Employers co-host the Untapped Workplace Inclusion Awards alongside the Open Door Group and Canadian Partners in Workforce Innovation (CAN WiN).

British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society

Indigenous peoples in Canada experience a disability rate much higher than that of the general population, at approximately 30% to 35%. The BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS) is a non-profit society that serves the unique and diverse needs of Indigenous peoples across Canada.

Neil Squire Society

The Neil Squire Society has been revolutionizing the lives of Canadians with disabilities since 1984 with a special interest in how technology can improve accessibility. Their work is focused on four distinct areas: innovation, digital literacy, employment, and assistive technology.

Open Door Group

The Open Door Group is a non-profit, social enterprise that operates on the fundamental belief that all individuals have the right and ability to succeed. They provide tailored hiring and training solutions that help foster an inclusive and accessible workplace where everyone can thrive.

Individualized Funding Resource Centre

The Individualized Funding Resource Centre empowers individuals with disabilities who access individualized funding by providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to fully utilize the benefits of the respective program they’re applying for.

Together Against Poverty Society

TAPS specializes in providing rights-based information and legal advocacy services in the areas of income assistance, provincial disability benefits, and residential tenancy. They are a non-profit society whose membership is open to all individuals or groups.

Disability Without Poverty

Disability Without Poverty is a movement led by people with disabilities who are committed to ending poverty for people with disabilities in Canada. They provide resources, advocacy, and support.

Plan Institute

Plan Institute is a national non-profit and social enterprise based in Burnaby, BC. They support people with disabilities through educational material, resources, events, and advocacy.

Continue your Accessibility Journey with SBBC

 Small Business BC is a non-profit resource centre for BC-based small businesses. Our Workplace Accessibility Resources page is full of tips, tools, and more to support your next stage.

 We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.