New Free Directory Available for Small Businesses Based in Vancouver

Getting yourself out there as a small business helps you connect with new audiences and attract new clients. Right now, there’s an opportunity for Vancouver small businesses to join a brand new business directory that will open them up to a new pool of clients while also making a commitment to inclusion.

The goal of the 604Access Project is to empower individuals with disabilities by developing an online comprehensive portal that provides reliable and up-to-date information on accessible places across the city.

Small Business BC spoke with Alice Pan, the project management lead, to learn more about the opportunity and how to get involved.

About the 604Access Project

The 604Access Project is a community engagement initiative by the ConnecTra Society, a non-profit organization. It helps create a more inclusive BC by connecting people living with disabilities to activities, services, resources, and more.

ConnecTra has heard from its community about the need for a centralized resource to help people with disabilities find accessible businesses and services in Vancouver. The project will support businesses in making their spaces more inclusive while enhancing community participation for people with disabilities.

The project is currently in its development stage. 604Access is engaging with businesses and service providers to participate, gathering information and interest from small businesses in Vancouver.

Phase 1 of the 604Access project centres on enhancing accessibility within the City of Vancouver, with a focus on features that support individuals with visual, hearing, and physical disabilities. As a multi-phase project, in the future, 604Acess plans to expand its reach to different cities and including more accessibility features.

Later, when the 604Access portal is fully launched, it will improve environmental accessibility and access to information about accessible services – both of which will be invaluable for people with disabilities navigating businesses and services in Vancouver.

How to Get Involved

All businesses are welcome to participate in the accessibility awareness survey. By participating, small business owners will learn about the features that the disability community look for and be able to provide detailed information about their accessibility.

Participation in the survey is a way to show commitment to enhancing accessibility at every stage. Right now, the project is based in Vancouver, but future projects may expand to include other cities and regions in the province.

You can learn more about the 604Access Project and take the survey online.

The Benefits of 604Access

By participating in the project, small businesses have an opportunity to help raise awareness about accessibility.

The project also welcomes community participation, user feedback, and for participants to update their information. In the future, if businesses improve or upgrade their accessibility features, they can inform 604Access and their information will be updated.

Individuals with disabilities, their families, caregivers, community partners, and advocates will be using the directory to connect with businesses in Vancouver that are committed to enhancing environmental accessibility in their establishment. It’s also a rare free marketing opportunity for small businesses.

Are you ready to take a step towards better accessibility? You can learn more about the 604Access Project and take the survey online.

Continue your Accessibility Journey with SBBC

Small Business BC is a non-profit resource centre for BC-based small businesses. Our Workplace Accessibility Resources page is full of tips, tools, and more to support your next stage.