
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island/Coast

3 Employees

In Business Since 2021

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Refine Home Inc

Nanaimo, Vancouver Island/Coast

Refine Home Inc. provides downsizing, professional organizing and move management services. Our team of Downsizing Specialists and Professional Organizers know firsthand the overwhelm and stress that moving and downsizing can involve. Refine Home Inc. helps our clients every step of the way in providing steps to downsizing and working alongside our clients to make decisions on what they need to let go of and what to do with those belongings. A big part of our service delivery is working with the aging population and their families in helping them prepare for retirement living or a downsized home. We meet with our clients and family members and walkthrough how we can help. Downsizing & Decluttering home & business Professional Organizing Packing & Unpacking Assisting with moving details such as finding a mover and cleaner Move Day Management & Support Our team includes expertise in estate clearance so when clients need items sold we can help. We work with many local organizations and service clubs who are in need of furnishings, household items and our clients have loved donating over the years to these organizations and groups. Refine Home Inc. also works with clients who need to feel more organized. As Professional Organizers we work with clients who are overwhelmed and at times feel paralyzed by their home and business spaces. We work with our clients in creating a functional and organized space for home or business. We know the importance of having a living environment that brings calm and order so our clients can enjoy their lives. Refine Home Inc. is the #1 downsizing and professional organizing service on Vancouver Island and has been committed to serving their clients for the last 3 years.


Read below to find out why they deserve your vote in each category.

Business Impact Award

Tell Us Your Story. What motivated you to start your business? Why are you passionate about what you do?

Moving into the Downsizing & Professional Organizing business became my 2nd career of choice as I retired several years ago as an Early Childhood Educator. I knew that I wanted to continue to work with people and provide a service that helped others in their day to day lives. I began my career as a Professional Organizer as I always felt that there was such an importance for people to work and live in spaces that were functional, calm and had order. Within the first year of business, I quickly learned that in order to organize the spaces we work and live in, we need to downsize and let go of things that no longer serve a purpose or are creating clutter for us. Cluttered spaces, often lead to cluttered minds. Many people find this to be an overwhelming process and a lot of my clients feel paralyzed at the thought of having to make decisions about what they should keep or let go of and most of my clients don't even know where to start. As a Downsizing Specialist I work with my clients to understand their needs, find solutions, guide the process in decision making, navigate where items can be sold or donated which also includes ways to repurpose items into the community through organizations, charities and service clubs. My business has a strong focus on the aging population and their families, as so many of my clients have lived in their homes for many years and need to downsize for a multitude of reasons. Family members and their parents are often overwhelmed and don't know where to start (insert Refine Home Inc.) Refine Home Inc. has a caring team of experts that demonstrate compassion and empathy as many of the clients need support in decision making with downsizing, coordinating the move, packing services, working with realtors to get their home listed, assisting our clients on moving day as well as getting them settled into their new home. Many of our clients do not have family or a support network and are left to make these decisions on their own. For clients that do have family nearby, we have experienced firsthand a sense of relief and gratitude that they were not alone in this process. Refine Home Inc. is committed to supporting clients whether it be for downsizing or organizing services, "knowing the importance of living the way you want to live, but better." (Andrew Mullen)

Describe and demonstrate, including metrics, your community support. How do you support and uplift your community, and how do they show that support in return? Minimum 25 words, maximum 2500 characters.

Refine Home Inc. is a small business and our service delivery has demonstrated in many ways that we are essential in helping our clients with important transitions in their lives. Supporting people that are experiencing overwhelm, trauma, loss or health issues struggle with being able to manage their home or business spaces. Moving or relocating is a natural transition for the aging population. Working with the communities that we serve has always been 100% of the success in what we do. To date Refine Home Inc. has provided services and consultation to over 250 clients in the last 3 years. When I started this company I knew I wanted to be successful; however the communities and clients that I worked with, became an integral part of 'refining the services' that I offered. It had become much more than I had ever anticipated. I am a believer in business and in life that we can "go faster alone or farther together" and I choose farther together. The work that Refine Home Inc does on a daily basis is supported by other professionals and businesses in the communities that we service. I work regularly with retirement homes, realtors, moving companies, stagers, cleaning companies and many contractors. We provide services to most of Vancouver Island and travel has been a part of business in reaching clients that need our services. Networking and working with others is important in ensuring that we are reaching the clients that need our services. Refine Home Inc. has been involved in the delivery of "downsizing seminars" in several communities. These seminars provide education to community members of every age and need. Refine Home Inc, has participated in over 20 seminars in collaboration with retirement homes, realtors and other professionals. I have felt very supported by my community almost right out of the gate as it was my mission to network, build capacity in my team and ensure that Refine Home Inc, and services were reaching people that needed them the most. Many of my clients find my services through social media, google reviews and advertising platforms. However, the majority of my clients come from referrals from other professionals and past clients that we have provided services for. This past year I was nominated for the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce Women in Business category and it was truly an honour to be recognized in this category. I also belong to several networking groups, particularly focusing on women in business.

Why do you deserve to win the Business Impact award?

As a business woman I value collaboration and networking and know firsthand the importance of "going farther together" in working with my community which includes: realtors, vendors, contractors, local organizations, service clubs, women's organizations and other small business entrepreneurs. I pride myself on being involved in community events that are focused on the aging population, supporting families, caring for women to name a few. Ensuring that my services in downsizing, organizing and move management are shared within the communities I serve is important to building my business. I do make it a priority to meet with professionals, agencies, retirement homes, vendors and potential clients that are interested in connecting with Refine Home Inc. I believe that relationship building is important to a business and this has been a huge part of the success of Refine Home Inc. Why the Business Impact Award? I believe this business chose me as I retired as an Early Childhood Educator of 31 years and knew that I wanted my 2nd career choice to make a difference much like my career in Child Care was. I left my community, uprooted my teen son and relocated back to Vancouver Island and started my company. I had a "plan" and began to network immediately, trusting in the process and within 5 months my business was taking off. "If you build it they will come", and they did! The ideas of working with clients in helping them have organized and downsized spaces was the initial service delivery and within a few months it became so much more as I was responding to the needs and open to the growth of what my business could be. Working with families that are overwhelmed, the aging population, individuals who are needing help with their home/business spaces became the focal point of Refine Home Inc. I often share at my presentations/seminars and with other professionals that Refine Home Inc. has the skills and expertise to manage the details and logistics of a particular job, but what we value more than anything is the relationship we have with our clients and their families. What we do is built on a caring and empathic approach to our clients. Winning the Business Impact Award would be an honor and an example to others that want to start their own business that if you are afraid to take the leap, then do it scared. I didn't have all the answers when I started but I trusted that my passion would lead me to success...and it did!

Tell Us About Your Culture. How are you creating a sustainable and healthy workplace where everyone feels welcome? Provide examples of leadership you show in interactions with clients, vendors, contractors, staff and others.

I have always believed that a team is only as good as its leadership. It's been a priority for me as the owner of Refine Home Inc. to provide a work environment and culture with my team which is as equally important to me as the quality of the services that we deliver. My team is primarily comprised of professional women that are bringing their skills and expertise to the services we provide. Building capacity in my team is #1 importance for me in hopes that they feel empowered and valued in the work that they do. Working alongside my team and providing support and mentorship on a daily basis is a part of my work culture that I value. It is important for me to lead by example, therefore I am always on the front line in all aspects of the business; interacting with the clients and the contractors or professionals that we hire. Decision making is collaborative as much as possible, allowing my team to exercise their skills while feeling valued in the services that are delivered. As the owner of Refine Home Inc. I recognize that each of the team members are bringing their own skills and expertise and I have created a culture where team members are acknowledged individually while being part of a dynamic and growing team.

People's Choice

Why do you think you should win the Premier’s People’s Choice Award?

Winning the Premier's People's Choice Award would be an honour in recognizing the hard work and commitment that I have put into my business. Firstly, this recognition would demonstrate to others that when we take the leap in choosing to own our own business that anything is possible. As a businesswoman, I believe that this award would encourage other women to step out of their comfort zones with their ideas and passions. To take the leap and trust in the process and at times perhaps feel a bit uncomfortable. "We don't have to have it all figured out to get started". It starts with an idea and passion. Serving over 250+ clients in the last 3 years and working daily with over 30 organizations, businesses, professionals and other contractors is a reflection of the volume of work that Refine Home Inc. performs; however the greatest measurement of success comes from the people that I work with; the clients we serve and the community partners that we collaborate with. Over 70% of my new clients come from referrals from people that have used my services, worked alongside Refine Home Inc. or found a review on google, my website or other social media platform. I am humbled in saying that my reputation as a businesswoman is honest, trustworthy and caring. I strive daily to create a work environment that honours my team, builds capacity in each of them and ensures that there is opportunity for growth. On a regular basis I focus on ensuring that my company stays visible in the communities that I serve, ensuring that the services of Refine Home Inc. are shared with others that could benefit from organizing, downsizing and move management services. As a Premier People's Choice Award recipient, I feel that I would be a positive example to all new businesses and those that perhaps are simply dreaming about it. Refine Home Inc. provides a unique service that impacts people's lives in a positive way and is making a difference for so many. "How" we do business is just as important in "what" we do and it would be an honor to be recognized as a Premier People's Choice Award recipient.

Nominations and voting has now closed.

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