
Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island/Coast

1 Employees

In Business Since 2008

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Redfern Media Co

Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island/Coast

We create digital media databases for businesses to reference when they need marketing content. It’s about a passion for facilitating beautiful content for people who don’t have the means to create it for themselves.


Read below to find out why they deserve your vote in each category.

Business Impact Award

Tell Us Your Story. What motivated you to start your business? Why are you passionate about what you do?

I was motivated to start my business by probably the opposite reason of most people; by learning what I didn’t want to do. I’ve always had a passion for photography, art, visual arts and after a number of years working in Northern Bc’s oil and gas industry I knew I needed something different. I loved my time in the north but the careers there, while amazing in their own rite, left me longing for something more creative. So in 2007 I set out for The Western Academy of Photography in Victoria and as soon as I sunk my teeth into their photojournalism program I knew I’d found my place. 17 somewhat tumultuous and fortunate years later I’m still pushing to learn and serve my customer base better.

Describe and demonstrate, including metrics, your community support. How do you support and uplift your community, and how do they show that support in return? Minimum 25 words, maximum 2500 characters.

I think the best way I can describe this is reciprocity. I have built through hard work and expertise in a specific niche and with that I can support local businesses in creating and executing a high end visual identity. My community supports me and my family by doing things like coaching my sons soccer team, roasting the coffee for my studio, and installing the ev charger in my carport. Without local businesses I wouldn’t be able to achieve the satisfaction of helping other succeed, and without local businesses I myself couldn’t succeed.

Why do you deserve to win the Business Impact award?

Theres likely a million more deserving businesses than mine, but the best reason I can think of for me to win would be my willingness to accept all walks of life. I love helping people no matter what their situation.

Tell Us About Your Culture. How are you creating a sustainable and healthy workplace where everyone feels welcome? Provide examples of leadership you show in interactions with clients, vendors, contractors, staff and others.

The culture of Redfern Media is about positivity and help. I don’t have a lot of employees. I hire assistants here and there but the culture we create is by being helpful to any and all clients. It’s not up to me to decide what is best for other peoples lives, it’s up to me to make sure they’re supported in their media and content needs. Its an honour to do what I do and I don’t believe that I’m qualified to discriminate against anyone. I’m here to help, and thats become the guiding light of Redfern Media Co.

People's Choice

Why do you think you should win the Premier’s People’s Choice Award?

I think where I shine is with expertise and acceptance. We’re living in an increasingly divisive world and for me at least, the way forward is to welcome everyone with arms and studio wide open.

Nominations and voting has now closed.

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