
Port Hardy, North Coast + Nechako

1 Employees

In Business Since 2018

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Proactive Road Safety inc

Port Hardy, North Coast + Nechako

Providing driver training, assessments and safety. Air brakes has been added to line up primarily to provide services to the Northern Vancouver Islands and surrounding islands fire departments.


Read below to find out why they deserve your vote in each category.

Business Impact Award

Tell Us Your Story. What motivated you to start your business? Why are you passionate about what you do?

I view people as lives and know they have loved ones back of them that want the best for those that I am working with. I know what it’s like first hand for families to loose a loved one. I do my best to give my clients the best I can knowing the impact I have on them also affects their families and the community. I was working with the local fire department with their driver training requirements, so when the approached me to provide air brakes to their department and told me of the hardships it causes the department and community to not have that service available I got to work and now provide air brakes to many north island fire departments and our community. We can all be impacted if our departments don’t have drivers to operate the trucks. I appreciate our emergency services volunteers and believe as a local business I should do my part to assist them when possible.

Describe and demonstrate, including metrics, your community support. How do you support and uplift your community, and how do they show that support in return? Minimum 25 words, maximum 2500 characters.

I started an air brakes school as part of my business to provide services to our department. I was providing driver training for them anyway so it made sense. I now provide air brakes to the local departments. Keeping them with qualified drivers so they can serve the communities they love.

Why do you deserve to win the Business Impact award?

I would like to be able to reach more of our volunteer fire departments. Cost is a big factor for many of them so I’d like To find ways to make my travel expenses lower and to be able to bring more air brakes parts with me to classes I teach them

Tell Us About Your Culture. How are you creating a sustainable and healthy workplace where everyone feels welcome? Provide examples of leadership you show in interactions with clients, vendors, contractors, staff and others.

I treat them How I would treat my family and friends. They alll have families that want to come home after work. I give them all the information, tools and skills I can to enable them to handle what they encounter on the road.

Nominations and voting has now closed.

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