
Lantzville, Vancouver Island/Coast

2 Employees

In Business Since 2015

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Chrysalis Creative Home Staging Inc.

Lantzville, Vancouver Island/Coast

Chrysalis Creative Home Staging Inc. is an award winning full service home staging company. We have been in business for over 9 years and have worked in over 1250 properties. Three years ago we made the move to Vancouver island where we work in the mid-island area. We work with realtors, builders, developers and home owners to ready properties for market. The job we do is a win/win for both seller and buyer as we help sellers make strategic updates to ensure their listed property is appealing to buyers, and buyers get a move in ready home. We do everything from working with a home owner’s own furnishings to providing full staging to empty houses from our warehouse of inventory where we store enough to stage about 15 houses at a time. We recognize the stress and overwhelm that comes with moving, and we help to manage that stress by providing property owners with proven strategies for presenting their property to ensure they have the best possible chance of selling their home. We also discuss safety tools to keep our sellers safe during the list period. We strive to be a positive contributor to our local community by donating much of our inventory of furniture, bedding, art and accessories as colour trends or styles change. Our items are barely used and have a lot of life to give when we are ready to let them go. We work with a number of charities such as Nanaimo Women Helping Women and Mamas for Mamas Nanaimo as well as the SPCA. We also strive to purchase inventory from local vendors such as artisans and furniture refinishers where possible, keeping our warehouse of inventory as sustainable as possible.


Read below to find out why they deserve your vote in each category.

Business Impact Award

Tell Us Your Story. What motivated you to start your business? Why are you passionate about what you do?

When I was 37 I became a single mother. I had two little boys and a job working for a large corporation. I knew I needed to provide for my sons and the most important thing to me was owning a home to build equity in the event something happened to me before they were able to support themselves. Every day I grabbed lunch at my desk and surfed the local MLS listings. I began to recognize which houses would sell and which would sit on the market, innately knowing what needed to change for them to sell. After my divorce I bought a half duplex. It was no dream house but it was what I cold afford on my own. I changed the paint, flooring, cut a pass through between the living room and kitchen and in 4 years earned enough equity to move to a better part of town. I staged the duplex, and it sold in under 8 days for full list price in a buyer’s market. I built our next home, choosing finishes and changing the floor plan with the help of my builder. It was cute but small, and after about 4 years I decided to build again, keeping my smaller house as a rental. When I met the man who is now my husband, he and I merged homes selling each of our places and I staged both of those which sold in under 2 weeks. One sold for the highest price ever in the neighbourhood and one for the highest price on the street. The realtor we had at the time asked me why I wasn’t staging for a living, and I told her flippantly “Because I have a REAL job.”... Then a downturn hit, and at 54 I was let go in a corporate restructuring. That shook me to my core. My stable career was gone, and I was completely devastated, and had to face starting over as a woman in my mid 50’s. My husband sat me down and told me I could get a contract position doing Change Management for another corporation. I burst into tears saying I didn’t want to do it anymore. He asked what I wanted to do, and I said “I want to stage houses...” And so I went and took my training. I knew I could help people keep their hard earned equity in their pockets by helping them market their homes. 1250 houses in, and I still love what I do. I have helped countless seniors and single parents keep their wealth, and help buyers get a move in ready home. It’s a win/win, and it keeps my creative brain engaged.

Describe and demonstrate, including metrics, your community support. How do you support and uplift your community, and how do they show that support in return? Minimum 25 words, maximum 2500 characters.

We have staged over 1250 properties in our 9 years in business, and I have appreciated every job. I’ve chosen to learn from the difficult client interactions, and celebrate the great ones. Being a successful entrepreneur means leading by example. In my adult life, I was fortunate to have several angels that stepped in to help me when I was most in need. They include a workmate who asked if I’d be open to receiving some hand me down clothing when she cleaned out her closet. Having beautiful business wear changed how people treated me at work, and changed how I felt about myself. And that in turn helped me support my kids. As a single mom with a mortgage, I had to give up my vehicle because I could no longer afford the payment. A man sold me an old car that wasn’t pretty, but had been meticulously maintained. He asked for two things. One dollar, and that I pay it forward. I have done my best to do just that both personally AND in our company. We currently have enough furniture to stage 15 houses. When my staging inventory approaches end of life it’s because the color is trending out, or I’m tired of using it. Most of the time it’s never actually used, just moved in and out of empty properties. We have worked with several charities to ensure these items go to people who could really use them. A woman fleeing violence, a young single parent or a young adult aging out of the foster care system . Donating helps them to create a real home for themselves. We have donated sheets, towels, bedding, sofas, tables chairs and artwork. We have also worked to be part of our local community by holding an “Open Warehouse” event for our clientele and other business professionals so they can see what we do. We chose to hold it on a Thursday this past July. When I began inviting businesses I often cross paths with, like the amazing photographer who did my head shots or the real estate photographer I know or the downsizer I often work with they started asking if they could donate door prizes, and help document the event! We invited just under 50 people, and we ended up with 38 individuals who came to an outdoor event in the pouring rain! And we had the best donated door prizes ever. We had hand tied flower bouquets, hair cuts and hot shaves, free head-shots and a free real estate list photo package. We had organizing baskets and even laser hair removal all to give away to attendees. The event was a great success and I have the pictures to prove it!

Why do you deserve to win the Business Impact award?

Why would a home staging company deserve a Business Impact award? Well, a single stager can impact the selling price of the homes they stage. That in turn can help other homes on the street look more attractive to buyers. By transforming properties in ways that significantly improve the sellers’ return on investment, the staging company plays a vital role in their clients' financial success. The sellers of that home keep the equity they’ve earned in their pocket and the buyer gets a move in ready house. The neighbours may realize a benefit from the increase in property value, and because of that the area may attract more potential buyers. Every old neighbourhood that sees revitalization, that revitalization starts with a single house.. If the staging company actively collaborates with local businesses, buying from local vendors, supports or holds community events, or engages in charitable activities, it demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of the community. If the company’s leadership is involved in industry advocacy, such as serving on boards like the Real Estate Staging Association, and promotes high standards in the industry, it reflects a broader impact beyond just business operations. I believe our little company does all of those things. In 2023, I was given an award for leadership and mentorship in my industry, called the Kathy Neilsen Spirit Award, and is something a stager can win just once. I was nominated, and members of the staging community voted on the person most deserving. I have never felt more grateful for any recognition in my life. And the other two finalists were people I look up to still. I will spend the rest of my career honouring the meaning behind it.

Tell Us About Your Culture. How are you creating a sustainable and healthy workplace where everyone feels welcome? Provide examples of leadership you show in interactions with clients, vendors, contractors, staff and others.

In a word, Grace. We work with clients during a stressful time. Even under the best of circumstances, selling a house is stressful. We are invited into our clients’ homes, to discuss tips literally in their most intimate spaces. Their bedroom, their closet, their bathroom.... We have to show compassion for those who are struggling with leaving a house they love. Some have lost parents and are selling a property, or are going through economic hardship and divorces. We do our best to ensure our clients are able to receive the messages in the best possible way. We understand that nobody knows what another may be going through. We work with our vendors, trades and clients with the same respect, and anyone working with or for us regularly is of similar mind. I firmly believe in learning from everyone and I am not below having my assistants and clients teach me a better way of doing something. I believe in collaboration not competition, and do not worry about what another staging business is doing because we all have our own strengths. I have no issue referring someone if we are too booked to take a job, or if someone would be better served by someone else. I have committed to improving with every job, and I take every opportunity to further my craft through continuing education and belonging to my trade association and business groups and I encourage those who work with us to do the same. I may be 62 but I am FAR from knowing everything. We have a strong safety culture and the tips I give my clients on how to protect their property and their identity while their house is listed is far more important to me than the design advice I give. We believe in strong expectation setting and in strong communication. We do what we say we will do and we do it when we said we would. We do not over commit, but rather over-deliver on commitments made whenever possible. We strive to be ridiculously easy to work with, but we know our worth and our repeat clients, vendors, trades and assistants know it too.

People's Choice

Why do you think you should win the Premier’s People’s Choice Award?

We may be newer to the area, but we are becoming part of the local fabric. In 3 short years here we have built a social network of wonderful friends and neighbours. I belong to three Women’s Business Networks, my husband is the secretary of the BOD for a local fly fishing club. We have helped dozens of people ready their homes for listing and we have volunteered and donated time, goods and money to our local area. We love where we live and the people who live here, and we are honoured to help people move on no matter their circumstance for doing so. Like people, each house has its own personality. Not every house and not every client needs the same approach. We work with clients who want to DIY their stage. I’m happy to educate them during a consultation on the “why” behind the advice. Most of my clients will never look at their property the same way, and they’ll likely never have to hire a stager again. Other clients want a hands’ off approach and want us to make every choice. This, too, we are happy to provide. And every house we do, has something that has been customized from a perfect vintage accessory to custom artwork I paint for a specific space. We love what we do, and we are so grateful to be able to do what we love in a place we love, with people who are supportive and generous.

Nominations and voting has now closed.

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