
E-Commerce Experience Award

Are you offering an awesome online retail experience for your customers? Whether you’re selling gourmet goodies or trendy trinkets, our E-Commerce Experience Award is perfect for your business. This Award goes to the BC small business that’s succeeding online and providing a best-in-class experience for their customers.

No matter the device their customers use, this business converts visitors into buyers through an easy-to-navigate store paired with an inspiring (and measurable) digital marketing strategy. This category is open to any BC business that’s selling a product or service online through their own website that’s been in operation for at least 12 months.

Key Things to Know in 2024

  • Businesses must be selling a product or service online
  • Businesses must be in operation for at least 12 months
  • Businesses must be based in British Columbia
  • Businesses must have 50 or fewer employees
  • Nominations must be submitted online by 11:59pm on August 16th, 2024
  • Past Small Business BC Awards winners are prohibited from entering the category in which they won
  • Nominees must not operate businesses that are sexually exploitative or that feature sexually explicit entertainment, products or services.
  • Nominees must not be associated with illegal activities
  • Inappropriate, disrespectful or offensive language will not be accepted as part of Small Business BC Awards

  • Customer Experience: This business hosts an e-commerce store on their website that features a frictionless transactional experience, from start to finish, across devices.
  • Strategy: This business demonstrates a clear plan for e-commerce growth that leans on measurable digital marketing tactics and effective messaging.
  • Branding: This business recognizes an online store is a digital storefront, enticing customers with a consistent brand experience throughout all touch points.

This year, our judges will be assessing the following areas of the online experience when making their decision. Any supporting evidence you can provide is welcomed.

  • Effectiveness of your online store
  • Ease of navigation
  • The Checkout Process
  • Consistency of experience across mobile and desktop
  • Prominence of business contact information on the site
  • Speed of the online store
  • Quality of product listings
  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Variety and creativity of marketing efforts
  • Look and design of the online store
  • Consistency with business branding
  • Quality of brand imagery

You’re an entrepreneur and you’re busy, we get it. That’s why we want you to maximize the impact you receive from entering. Here are five tips to consider when submitting your nomination for a Small Business BC Award.

Establish Your Objectives

What are you hoping to achieve by entering the Small Business BC Awards? Maybe you want to help boost your staff recruitment, raise your profile within your industry, or improve your marketing? Our Awards can be a powerful way to achieve your goals. You just need to clearly define what those goals are before you begin.

Designate an ‘Awards Champion’

Throughout the years, we’ve seen businesses pass the task of administering their awards application from one staff member to the next. This results in inconsistent entries where no one person took ownership and drove the task forward. Instead, we recommend designating yourself, or a staff member, as an ‘Awards Champion’ with responsibility for handling the nomination from start to finish.

Match Your Content to the Criteria

Each of our award categories has detailed criteria you can refer to when submitting a nomination. Our judges will refer to the criteria when assessing which businesses will proceed to the next phase of the competition. It’s crucial to understand the criteria for your category and deliver an application that meets the criteria. These simple instructions provide the recipe for success. Don’t ignore them!

Speak to Previous Nominees

We’re celebrating our 2s1st anniversary this year, and in that time, we’ve had over 6,600 businesses take part in the process. If you know an entrepreneur that’s taken part, why not consider asking for their advice? They’ll be able to share some of the benefits of taking part, how to prepare to present to our judges, and how to approach your community to gather votes.

Get Your Entry Proofread

Before you submit your nomination, task a friend or family member to read over it and provide their feedback. Try to find someone who will provide impartial feedback. They may notice an important element you’ve forgot to mention, or typos that have slipped under the radar. Your entry will sparkle if it’s error-free and provides a compelling case as to why you should win.

  • Small Business BC retains the right to update the rules of the Small Business BC Awards at any time.
  • Franchisees are NOT eligible for the Small Business BC Awards
  • Small Business BC staff members are not eligible to enter
  • Businesses may be nominated in one or more categories as long as they meet the eligibility criteria for that category
  • By entering the Small Business BC Awards, you accept our judges’ decisions will be final
  • All shortlisted finalists authorize SBBC to identify them (name/picture) in connection with the Small Business BC Awards

Check out our full Small Business BC Award Rules to learn more.

How will judges assess my nomination for the E-commerce Experience Award?

When you’re completing your nomination, the answers you provide, along with supporting documentation, will be examined as part of our judging process. First, you must gather enough votes to make it through to our Top 5 Finalists. Don’t be shy in engaging your community to vote for you.

How does your vote normalization process work?

We understand that all BC communities are different sizes and that different businesses have different sized networks. To level the playing field, votes will be normalized against British Columbia Regional District Population Figures. This gives every business, no matter where they’re located, an equal opportunity to win.

Will the number of votes I receive in the E-commerce Experience Award category be made public?

No. Vote tallies will not be made public on the Small Business BC website or made available to nominees. Because a normalization calculation is applied to the votes to determine the Top 5 finalists, pure vote numbers are not indicative of performance in the competition.

Can I vote in the E-Commerce Experience Award category more than once?

Only one vote per person is allowed, per nominee, per category. If a business is nominated in two categories (the maximum number allowed), you can vote for them in both categories.

21 Years of Awards Success

Over 6,600 Businesses. Representing every community in BC.

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