How to Research Your Market

Good business decisions are based on good market research and intelligence. By researching your market thoroughly, you can minimise the risk to your business, identify new opportunities, and understand better how to communicate with your customers.

Why and How to Market Test Your Product or Service

It’s enticing, intoxicating even, the feeling of creating a new product service and wanting to share it with the world. But the heady rush of creativity can quickly turn into failure if you don’t market test.

The Importance of Understanding Your Target Market

Why is having a target market important? Many entrepreneurs have a clear business concept but need a clear definition of who their customers are.  It’s vital to understand your client […]

Understand Your Small Business Competitors

Even if your product or service fills a unique gap in the market, there are always other companies offering something similar. The key when thinking about your competition is to learn what makes the customer choose one product or service over another.

5 Tips to Create A Unique Value Proposition

One of the earliest questions you should be asking yourself as an entrepreneur is: “Why should customers care about my product or service?” In business parlance, your unique value proposition […]

How To Identify Your Target Market

You’ve developed a killer product or service, but there’s still work to be done before you can take it to market. Successfully pitching to the right audience is the most efficient way to maximize your marketing’s return on investment. So how do you identify who to pitch to?

How to Use Analytics to Understand Your Online Audience

Thanks to tools like Google Analytics, it’s easy to pull the statistics on who is visiting your website (i.e., their age, location, gender, etc.) and create a general profile of your audience.