Top 5 DIY Digital Marketing Tips from Jelly Academy

If you’re looking for ways to improve your digital marketing strategy, digital marketing experts, Jelly Academy, are sharing their best “Do it Yourself” tips so your brand can succeed. These tips will help business owners and their in-house teams step up their digital marketing skills and strategies without the assistance of an external agency. Try these 5 DIY tips to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level!

Digital Ads – Understand Your Buyer Process

The best way to reach your ideal customer is to understand them and research the different stages of their buyer process. To understand the buyer process, research the analytics of how visitors move through your website. You can gather this information in-house through your Google Analytics account, which comes with both free and paid options.

You can use this information to cater your digital ads campaigns to be in line with your customer’s habits as well as fixing any website glitches that may have made them leave within the process. Doing your research on your audience makes things more efficient for them and will be more beneficial to your business.

Website Optimization – Utilize Well-Established Website Builders

Having a great looking and equally functional website is a great way to market your business digitally. Finding a website developer on your in-house team can be rare, so we recommend using an easy-to-use website builder platform such as Squarespace as they give you functional templates to build out your ideal website.

Be sure to choose a platform and template that allows for mobile optimization to ensure you are making your website user-friendly for those on mobile devices (which is 54.8% of global website traffic).

Social Media – Utilize All Functions of the Platform

While getting your business on social media is great, it isn’t enough to just post and go – you should be utilizing all aspects of any given social media platform. For example, on Instagram you should be taking advantage of all the features such as posting to reels, stories, and IGTV. Be sure to have a well-organized bio and save story highlights of evergreen content so future customers visiting your page have content to gain more information about your brand.

By using all features of a social media platform, you’re more likely to get a larger reach & equally understand what content is succeeding amongst your audience.

Smartphone Photography – Focus on Either Natural or Studio Lighting

Not a pro-photographer yourself? That’s okay! There are some great ways to step up your photo-taking skills, even from your own cell phone. A great way to get quality content is to master your lighting. Be sure to only use natural lighting solely or studio lightning, opposed to using both. Mixing the two together can make for unwanted shadows and lines within your images which will reduce the quality. If you’re curious to learn more photography and videography skills, try Jelly Academy’s Masterclass where you can take “Mastering Photo and Video Content with your Phone” by professional media specialist, Travis Jeffers.

SEO Tip – Optimize Your SEO Titles 

Your SEO titles are the primary title of your page and have a major impact on how well your keywords will rank. You can optimize these titles through your chosen website builder all on your own! It is always a good idea to optimize your SEO titles based on keywords related to your products or services, and ensure your topic is relevant. A good rule of thumb is to keep your keyword near the beginning of the title, for example: [Page] | [Keyword] | [Business Name].

Another way to optimize your SEO title is ensure you follow the character limit. Your SEO title should not exceed 70 characters, otherwise, Google will either ignore and rewrite your titles, or only display part of it.

Hopefully you can apply these concepts within your digital marketing strategy to reach more of your target audience and produce some great results! If you’re looking for more in depth training in digital marketing for your in-house team, check out Jelly Academy’s 6 Week Course.