The Hidden Costs of Bullying and Harassment

As a small or medium-sized business owner, it’s easier to focus on workplace health and safety hazards you can see (such as wet floors, broken ladders, or messy work spaces) than it is on hazards that are less visible or obvious.

Bullying and harassment are examples of “hidden” hazards that can cause significant harm to your employees’ mental, social and emotional health, and have long-term consequences for your business. These can include the costs associated with lost productivity and sick leave, as well as the possibility of losing good employees to other employers.

So, it’s your job to find out if any of your employees are being bullied, and to know how to help them if they are. As a business owner, you need to know:

  • Procedures for reporting incidents and complaints
  • Procedures for dealing with incidents and complaints
  • What training is necessary to provide workers and supervisors
  • Where to find a variety of “how-to” resources

However, it’s possible to help protect your business by preventing or stopping bullying and harassment in the workplace for small and medium-sized businesses.

Some ways you can keep your workplace safe are:

  • Developing a policy statement to prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment
  • Developing and implementing reporting procedures
  • Developing and implementing procedures for dealing with incidents
  • and complaints
  • Informing workers about the policy statement and steps taken to prevent or minimize bullying and harassment
  • Training supervisors and workers about recognizing, responding to, and reporting incidents and complaints of bullying and harassment
  • Annually reviewing the policy statement and procedures for reporting and dealing with incidents and complaints

Learn More

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And if you want specific questions answered for your business, make an appointment to meet with a Small Business BC Business Advisor or if you have financial questions, book an appointment with Small Business BC’s Ask an Accountant service now.