Help Keep Your Employees Moving When the Weather Cools Off

Fall is now upon us and with that comes pumpkin pie, sweater weather, and rain. Lots of it. And while it’s still important to get your 2.5 hours of moderate to vigorous exercise a week, suggesting your employees park a few extra blocks away from work or get off the bus a few stops early can also mean some extra soggy (and unhappy) employees.

There are still some small exercises you and your staff can do, even if the weather isn’t cooperating with your lunchtime group walks. Add some more physical activity into your workplace step-by-step with these 5 small activities.

1. Take the Stairs

Get yourself and your team moving by starting a stairwell challenge. Climbing stairs is a weight-bearing activity that increases the heart rate and promotes strong bones, which can help prevent osteoporosis. Even taking the stairs down can be beneficial! If stairwells are not accessible, try a team walking challenge using pedometers to track your steps.

2. Standing Calf Raises

Whether you are standing in line at the coffee machine or waiting at the photocopier, calf raises are a simple exercise that can help you and your employees sneak in more physical activity. Simply rise onto your toes and then back onto your heels.  The shift in body weight will challenge your balance, which can help you build muscle.

3. Use Resistance Bands

Providing resistance bands at work is a convenient way to help employees build muscle strength and endurance. It can also help increase bone, ligament, and tendon strength. Wrapping the bands around the thighs with the two ends facing up, and then moving the knees out and away from each other is a great outer thigh stretch.

4. Have a Stretch Break

After sitting at a desk for a long time, stretching your body is a welcome change of pace.  Stretching can also help decrease lower back pain and muscle soreness while increasing posture and aid in relaxation. Encourage stretch breaks at work by educating your employees on these great stretches. 

5. Get Moving

Walking is something we do every day.  As simple as it seems, it is a great way to maintain your physical fitness. Like taking the stairs, it is a weight-bearing exercise that increases heart rate and is easy to incorporate into schedules. Challenge your employees to replace calls and emails to coworkers with visits to their office. It’s a great way to get moving and away from the computer screen.