Are you an Introverted, Extroverted or Ambiverted Leader?

Society often paints quite a humorous yet incorrect picture of introverts and extroverts. With these misconceptions in place, it is understandable why many believe extroverts would make better business leaders. However a recent Ted Talk by Susan Cain discusses the power of introversion.

Leading by Example: Accountability & Excellence

What makes a leader great? Most people would answer vision, drive, people skills, and the ability to communicate. While they are all valid requirements, what makes a leader great is […]

10 Tips for Conquering Start-Up Fears

Making the decision to start out on your own can be scary. Even if you are a fan of change and challenges, the uncertainty of a start-up can often be a barrier to pursuing your dream and idea. To help you overcome those barriers, here are 10 tips to conquering your start-up fears.

Beating the Business Blues

Running a business can be elating and depressing, and sometimes at the same time. On the days when the pressure of planning and building a business feels like it’s too much to take, it’s really normal to feel down. Here’s how you can bounce back.

Put your Phone Away, Let’s Talk About Engagement

As busy entrepreneurs, we expect ourselves to multitask. We foolishly believe that doing two things at once is like gaining an extra set of hands!

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking Investment

The art to the perfect pitch is to know what you are selling and to sell it well. Looking for investment can be stressful and time consuming; but the more prepared you are, the quicker and more easily a deal can be done.

Are You Making Time for Education?

When you are an entrepreneur it is hard to take a step back and make the time for education. However talent and motivation may not be enough to help you make the best decisions for your business.