What Does Brand Mean: The Basics of Branding

What does “brand” really mean? While some think of it as the name or logo of a business, there’s more to it than that. A brand is all about positive emotions and deep connections that people have with your business, product, or service. 

Let’s dive into the world of branding and discover three important basics you need to know.

1. Brand Perception

These associations represent at least two things: your business name and a customer’s perception of that name. This perception isn’t formed in isolation, especially considering the online world we live in today. It grows from every awesome experience people have when interacting with your product or service. 

For example, your company’s brand experience can be actively promoted through vibrant marketing or event promotion. Or, it may grow organically, like positive buzz on social media or word-of-mouth recommendations shared among groups of friends.

2. Clarity of Value

Understanding what “brand” means gives clarity to the value of branding. If a brand is a set of associations involving perceptions and experiences, then branding is managing how your brand is experienced. So, you must take ownership. This means taking control and planning the experiences you want to give your clients.

3. What Makes You Different?

Take inventory of experiences your clients have with your business and compare them to your competitors. What can you improve on that will make an impact and help you stand out in the marketplace?

Whether you offer outstanding customer service or one-of-a-kind products, consider what you could do to highlight what makes your business so unique.

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